I’ll Start When the Time Is Right…
For years, I told myself, I’ll start when the time is right. When I’ve got more experience, more confidence, when Mercury isn’t in retrograde, and my life feels like one of those perfectly curated Instagram posts.
Guess what? That day never came.
And here’s the kicker: nobody was waiting for me to feel ready. No one was like, “Oh, Sal’s not confident yet? Let’s all just hit pause on everything.” Life kept moving, opportunities passed, and I stayed stuck in this loop of not yet.
Eventually, I realized: starting doesn’t require perfection. It just requires action. The more you wait for the “perfect moment,” the more time you lose. And the more time you lose, the harder it gets to start. It’s a vicious little cycle.
So here’s my advice—don’t wait for perfect conditions. The universe doesn’t care if you’re 100% ready. Get messy. Make mistakes. Start before you feel like you’re qualified. Because guess what? That’s how you learn, grow, and become qualified.
Month / December 2024
Networking: It’s Not Just Handshakes and Awkward Small Talk
You know what I used to think networking was? That thing where you stand around at events, balancing a tiny plate of cheese cubes while pretending to care about someone’s business card. “Oh wow, you’re in supply chain logistics? Tell me more while I chew this stale cracker.”
Here’s what I’ve learned: Networking isn’t about collecting cards, names, or LinkedIn connections like you’re playing Pokémon Go. It’s about real relationships. It’s about reaching out because you’re curious, not because you need a favor. It’s about helping someone without immediately asking, “So… what’s in it for me?”
The truth is, opportunities don’t come from networking. They come from people. The ones who trust you, remember you, and know you’re not a robot programmed to ask, “Can I pick your brain?”
So here’s your homework: Reach out to one person today. Send a message, share something funny, or just check in. You don’t have to bring a cheese plate—just be human.
Who’s someone you haven’t talked to in a while? Reconnect. They’ll appreciate it (and you won’t have to eat stale crackers).
Done is Better Than Perfect: The Hard Lesson I Had to Learn
For a long time, I was stuck in the perfection trap. Every presentation, project, and even email had to be flawless before I dared to share it. I told myself I was just being thorough. But looking back, I see it for what it was: fear of failure disguised as a pursuit of excellence.
And here’s what I learned the hard way: Perfection isn’t just unnecessary—it’s the enemy of progress.
I can’t count how many opportunities I missed because I was too busy tweaking, revising, or waiting for the “right” moment. But over time, I began to notice something: the people who were actually moving forward weren’t waiting for perfect. They were putting things out there, learning, and improving as they went.
Here’s why letting go of perfection can change everything:
1. It gets you started. Waiting for perfection often means waiting forever. Taking that first imperfect step gets you in the game.
2. It builds momentum. Each small win fuels the next, creating a snowball effect that moves you closer to your goals.
3. It fosters collaboration. Sharing something incomplete invites feedback, new ideas, and perspectives you’d never get on your own.
When I finally stopped obsessing over getting everything right and started focusing on progress, things shifted.
I realized that:
1. The first draft isn’t the final draft—and it doesn’t have to be.
2. People care more about what you bring to the table than whether it’s perfect.
3. Mistakes are just proof you’re trying—and trying is what leads to growth.
Now, I focus on one thing: progress over perfection. Every step forward, no matter how small or messy, is a step closer to success.
Growth often comes from discomfort
Early in my career, I avoided situations where I felt unsure or unprepared. I thought sticking to what I knew was the safest path forward. But I’ve learned that the moments of discomfort are often where the most growth happens.
Here’s how stepping out of my comfort zone has shaped my career:
It pushed me to learn new skills: From public speaking to managing cross-functional teams,
I’ve grown most when I said yes to challenges that scared me.
It taught me resilience: Facing uncertainty taught me to adapt, problem-solve, and trust myself under pressure.
It opened unexpected doors: Some of my biggest opportunities came from taking risks I didn’t feel “ready” for.
Discomfort isn’t a sign to turn back—it’s a signal that you’re stretching your potential.
Leadership Isn’t About Being the Smartest in the room
When I first started my career, I thought my value came from having all the answers. I’d work overtime to solve problems, over-prepare for meetings, and try to prove I deserved the title.
But here’s the truth I’ve come to realize: Leadership isn’t about knowing it all—it’s about creating an environment where others can also thrive.
Some of my biggest wins didn’t come from solving the hardest technical problems. They came from:
– Asking thoughtful questions that shifted a team’s perspective.
– Stepping back so someone else could shine and gain confidence.
– Admitting when I didn’t know something and collaborating to find the answer.
Leadership is about humility, trust, and empowering others—not perfection or proving yourself.
Momentum Beats Perfection
In technical leadership, it’s tempting to wait until everything is flawless before moving forward. But I’ve learned that progress is better than perfection. Small, consistent steps create momentum—and momentum builds success.
Here’s how I’ve embraced this mindset:
• Start with what you have: Waiting for ideal conditions often means missed opportunities. Focus on what’s achievable now.
• Iterate often: Treat everything as a draft. Learn, adjust, and improve as you go.
• Celebrate progress: Acknowledge even the smallest wins—they’re stepping stones to bigger achievements.
The Value of Saying “I Don’t Know”
In technical leadership, there’s a common misconception that you need to have all the answers. But some of the best breakthroughs in my career have come from three simple words: “I don’t know.”
Here’s why:
- It builds trust: Admitting you don’t know something shows honesty and humility, making teams more willing to collaborate.
- It sparks curiosity: “I don’t know” is often the start of discovery. It opens the door to learning and problem-solving together.
- It empowers others: By acknowledging gaps in your knowledge, you create space for others to step up and contribute.
No one expects you to know everything. What matters is how you approach the unknown—with curiosity, teamwork, and a mindset of growth.
What’s the most impactful “I don’t know” moment you’ve had in your career? Let’s share and learn together!
Learn to Speak Two Languages…
One of the most valuable skills I’ve developed as a TPM is the ability to act as a translator—not between English and another spoken language, but between technical teams and business stakeholders.
Engineers speak in APIs, algorithms, and code. Stakeholders talk in timelines, KPIs, and outcomes. The magic happens when you can fluently move between these worlds, ensuring everyone feels heard and aligned.
Here’s how I approach it:
• Ask questions relentlessly: Don’t assume you understand; dig into both technical and business nuances.
• Simplify without oversimplifying: Translate complex technical details into language that connects to business value without losing accuracy.
• Provide context both ways: Engineers need to know why their work matters. Stakeholders need clarity on constraints and trade-offs.
Bridging these two languages creates trust, alignment, and better decisions. How do you balance these perspectives in your role?
Focus on Impact, Not Just Output
In technical roles, it’s easy to measure success by the number of tasks completed, code shipped, or meetings attended. But real value comes from understanding and driving impact.
As a TPM, I’ve seen firsthand how focusing on impact shifts priorities. Instead of asking, What do we need to build next?, I ask, What problem are we solving, and how does this move the needle?
Here’s how I keep impact front and center:
-Start with the “why”: Ensure every project has a clear purpose tied to broader goals.
-Prioritize outcomes over outputs: It’s not about delivering more; it’s about delivering what matters.
-Celebrate small wins: Acknowledging progress reinforces the connection between effort and impact.
Focusing on impact not only improves results but also motivates teams by showing them the value of their contributions. How do you measure and communicate impact in your work?
The Power of Context
One of the most underrated skills in technical roles isn’t about coding, data, or engineering—it’s about providing context.
As a TPM, I’ve learned that context is the bridge between action and impact. Engineers need to know why a project matters. Stakeholders need clarity on how their goals align with the team’s work. Without context, even the best plans can feel like tasks on a checklist.
For example, when I oversee machine learning compute deployments, the technical details are complex, but the story is simple: we’re enabling innovation. Framing work in this way shifts conversations from execution to impact.
The next time you’re planning a project, ask yourself:
- Does everyone know why this work matters?
- Have I tied the technical details to the broader goals?
- Am I equipping others to make informed decisions?
In technical leadership, delivering context is as crucial as delivering results.